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DermiPro Research

Cellulite cream is among the most effective methods of reducing cellulite. Medical treatments are usually very expensive, have no guarantees, take hours, and then have long painful recovery periods. Applying a cellulite cream is the least expensive, easiest, least invasive, most practical way of treating cellulite.

There are over-the-counter creams for cellulite that cost as little as $10.00 at drug stores and creams that can cost hundreds of dollars sold behind the make-up counters at department stores or in exclusive spas. You can decide which cream is the best deal for you and which one best addresses your individual needs.

Cellulite cream should be applied regularly on the affected area to get the best results. When you buy a cellulite cream, you should read the label carefully and look at each ingredient so that you will know if it's right for your skin. You should consult your dermatologist if you have sensitive skin or skin allergies.

Drink plenty of water every day to cleanse your body of toxins, which can adversely affect your lymphatic system, your body's natural filter. Avoid eating foods laden with fat, cholesterol, preservatives, and harmful chemicals because they can affect the healthy functioning of this system. Stress can cause fats to be stored in your body because it causes cortisol levels to increase, resulting in the storage of excess fat. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night, which can reduce stress and, in turn, harmful stress hormones.

If you have a sedentary job or lifestyle, and cannot refrain from sitting or standing the whole day, at the very least, try spending a few minutes every hour stretching your back, legs, arms, hips, and neck to stimulate your circulation and get your blood flowing.